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Creative Cussin':
A Mix 'N' Match
Profanity Generator
The 'southern edition' sequel to best-seller Creative Cursing, this flip book contains a whole slew of words that just couldn't fit in the first edition, and also saw me arguing over whether one could be a "chitlin diddler" or a "chitlins diddler" with my editor. It's a real pappy slapper.
"let’s see how many combinations we can come up with. The answer, if you’ve 128 cards in two contiguous, spiral-bound flappable piles for mixing and matching, is… um… carry the million… a lot"
- Michael Adams, In Praise of Profanity
"It's chock full of preciously inscribed sentiments on spiral rings"
"there are some inappropriate combinations, but that is to be expected with anything having to do with cussing"
"bush boner"
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