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Thou Spleeny Swag-Bellied Miscreant: Create Your Own Shakespearean Insults
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Thou Spleeny Swag-Bellied Miscreant:
Create Your Own Shakespearean Insults

The third installment in the curse word flip-book generator series, Thou Spleeny takes it to the next level by both including a third flap and using only words from the Bard's works themselves. One might say this was the only curse word book that required actual research to be completed -- and perhaps the only one that your mom might approve of.



"throw learned shade at your literary friends"

- Entertainment Weekly


"I like the music of the language, not to mention the fellowship of the foul-mouthed"

- David Ulin, LA Times


"I wouldn’t doubt [Shakespeare] said 'Fuck you, asshole' when some idiot knight cut off his horse once"

- Mary Lane, New York Cliche

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